Photograph: Image of deity - patron of hunt done by master of Suklai detani settlement (river Suklai valley) with assistants
Far East Krai, Khabarovsk Okrug
8,5 x 11
РЭМ 5654-207/2
It was located 150 steps from the summer camp at the mouth of the Sukpai River. When going hunting, men prayed before him for the gift of a good trade with the offering of cakes, vodka, porridge, incense of wild rosemary and Chinese smoking candles. Offerings were placed on a table in front of the images: prayers were said in front of them, then they were taken away and eaten. If the hunt was successful, then the spirits were thanked: parts of the prey (tongue, head, heart, sometimes legs, and blood) were brought to their images, from which pieces were then cut off and thrown around with thanksgiving. For example, the nose was cut off from the head, the tip from the tongue. The mouth was smeared with blood, as well as the masks of the assistants.
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