Photograph: Yole, a fishing vessel; in the background is a sailing ship for fish export.
Arkhangelsk province
8,4 x 11,5
РЭМ 3620-4
Along with old types of vessel (karbasses, kochmaras, shnyakas, ranshinas, and lodiyas), from the middle of the 19th century the Pomors began to use new ships, among them yoles, vessels introduced by Norwegian and Swedish settlers. The Pomors also widely used sailing ships for export of fish and other commodities. The trade with Norway was especially developed. The Pomors carried abroad rye flour, rye, cereals, timber products, raw hides and furs, hemp, tar, and animal fat; they brought home dried and salted fish, salt, whetstones, rifles, ropes, cords, and sailcloth. Abstract by O.G. Baranova
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